HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Be the first in town to view and collect the outstanding works from our eminent and engaging guest artists while enjoying delicious dinner and drinks on the bus and at every stop! The bus tour kicks off 6pm at Melissa's home and studio, tour guests will be offered a variety of lovely cocktails, beer, and wine while you mingle with our world-famous guest artists and their work. Upon departure for stop two at Ryan's place, you’ll fill up your plate with a delicious array of catered foods to enjoy on the way! Ryan's guest artists are both talented and fun and he will have many tempting sips and treats on hand. Finally, come for luscious desserts and coffee while you enjoy the company of Lisa's great guests and their amazing work before being shuttled in comfort back to the starting point. Food! Fun! First in line! No driving! Sign up today!
The bus picks up (6pm) and drops off (10:30pm) at the Melissa Mencini's studio @
Art of the Pot is proud to announce that 10% of the sales during the Friday evening VIP Collectors bus tour will be donated to CERF+ The Artists Safety Net a 501 (c)(3). “CERF+ serves artists who work in craft disciplines by providing a safety net to support strong and sustainable careers. CERF+’s core services are education programs, advocacy, network building and emergency relief.” Learn more about cerf plus at: www.cerfplus.or